Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Laughing Manifesto.

A portuguese spring waters brand wanted a positive message to make buzz over it's product - it's a water for good mood achievement. How we did it?
We portuguese citizes have been really
taking it on the chin. Having our jobs shipped off
to India and China, seeing our savings ravaged by
inflation, seeing our home values trashed
in the sub-prime mess...
It's time to say we've been getting shafted. Really.
Well now it's time to fight back. How?
Laugh because laughing is good for stress.
Laugh because laughing doesn´t pay taxes.
Laugh because laughing hurts less.
Laugh because laughing you become more pretty.
Laugh by lunch time.
Laugh by dinner time.
Laugh until you are breathless big time.
Laugh you ass face face. Laugh you bad face. Laugh you moron.
Portugueses with Frizes are happy portugueses.

The voice over is performed by our Prime Minister. I mean, it's a voice-a-like.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love it. I live in Cairo, Egypt, and we need this Ad here too! :)